Payment of Fines, Fee, and Court Costs in Criminal Cases
Payment Options: Cash, Money Orders, Cashier Checks, Personal Checks, Discover, Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
- Cash payments must be made in person; do not send cash in the mail
- Make checks payable to the Payne County Court Clerk
Payments may be sent in the mail to our office to the above mentioned address, be made in our office at the criminal counter in Room 206 of the Courthouse, or can be made over the phone with a debit for credit card.
When paying with the credit card either by phone or in person, the card holder MUST be present otherwise a different form of payment must be used; see options above.
Cost Administration Department sets up payment plans as ordered by the Court or figures cost so that they may be paid in full on the day of sentencing.
No appointments are made; Defendant’s are seen on a first come, first served basis. Proper attire and proper behavior is required.